Sunday, October 21, 2012

Make Your Car Happy This Winter - Clean Out Your Garage!

messy garage

If you look around there's no getting past the fact that fall is here and winter will be quick to follow. Will this year bring back the harsh weather we're so use to, or will we have a mild winter like last year? Who knows? If you really want to make your car happy this year - get in there and clean out your garage!  Your car will love you for it. And you'll stay warm and dry to boot!
 You've probably accumulated masses of stuff you really don't need. Much could probably be donated, sold on Craigslist, or you could always throw a massive yard sale and get rid of it! Should that fail to produce results, you can always call in your local junk hauling company to take it all away.  They will know how to dispose of those "risky" items and will "re-purpose, recycle, and re-use" as much as possible.
messy house
 While you're at it, you might want to de-clutter some of the rest of the house. You might even think about downsizing. If you've lived in your home for some time, it may be time to think about a smaller house. This is a great time to think about selling your home since the market is experiencing a 30% drop in inventory.  So, this could be a very, very good time to think about selling your home and moving on.                                
If you need help with figuring out how much your home is worth, we can help. Find out how to receive a custom evaluation for your home, including comparisons to other homes that have recently sold or are on the market by visiting

Check out this video for some great selling tips!
redit: <a href="">It'sGreg</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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